How CBD May Be Able to Reverse THC Tolerance

 Nerdy cannabis users gravitate to their favourite strains, as they seem to hit all the right places--at least at first. However, things can start to feel off over time. Instead of changing the dosage, they increase it to try and get the same relief as before.

This is not the best solution. You aren't not getting enough cannabis. THC tolerance is caused by long-term use of the same strain. It is quite common for beginners as well as those who use cannabis for medical purposes. There are many ways to fix or prevent it.

best CBD products (cannabidiol), may be an option to slow down THC tolerance. What if you could reverse the situation and enjoy your favorite cannabis strains again? Is CBD also capable of this?

This article will answer these questions as well as many others about the relationship between CBD and THC and how to increase your tolerance. We'll also talk about the best ways to consume cannabis that can help maintain balance in your endocannabinoid systems.

Why THC tolerance is a problem

Consistent use of THC can cause a body to develop a tolerance for it, just like any substance we consume. Too much of any substance is bad.

Although cannabis can be used as a natural treatment for pain, anxiety, and other ailments, it is not possible to take more than necessary.


Let's quickly review how THC behaves once it enters our system.

THC first binds to CB1 (cannabinoid1) receptors of ECS. ECS is a network of neurotransmitters and cellular receptors that are located in the central nervous systems. However, they can also be found in other parts of the body, such as the skin and muscle tissues.

The interaction of THC and CB1 receptors is what gives cannabis its therapeutic benefits. Research shows that regular exposure to THC can result in the desensitization or deactivation of these ECS structures. The THC intake will result in a lower response than you would expect.

This means that if you are using medical marijuana to manage pain, increasing your dosage or lighting up more often will not result in the same experience. Because you have a tolerance to THC, these efforts will only waste your time and money.

CB1 receptors may be internalized by constant cannabis use. The affected receptors will move from the cell's outer surface to the inside to prevent the THC from interfacing with them. These receptors will die and replacements will be made once our body has regained equilibrium.

Can CBD help with THC tolerance?


Cannabinoid cycling is a great option for those who cannot afford to go through tolerance breaks. This involves changing from high-THC strains to CBD rich strains on a daily basis. This will reduce or even eliminate your tolerance to THC.

Is this to say that CBD products can't be used in the same way?

Even so, there may be inconsistencies if we use best CBD for a long time. However, it won't be as severe as THC tolerance. To get the same effects as you're getting now, you may need to increase your usual CBD dosage or use a different CBD mix. While the ECS receptors are not becoming desensitized and internalized, changes in the body's chemistry can affect our ability to respond to the same CBD product or dose. This could also be affected by:

  • Age
  • Body weight
  • Gender
  • Genetics
  • Metabolic Rate

These fundamental differences in THC and CBD are what make cannabinoid cycle effective in getting the best out of cannabis.

Understanding the Mechanism of Cannabinoid Cycling

The system can be reset to allow the ECS to continue to welcome the effects of cannabinoids on our bodies and minds by switching from THC to CBD or vice versa. These mechanisms are very similar to the way we switch medications when one is no longer working.

What is the best frequency to switch between CBD and THC products?

It is not possible to find a definitive clinical study that can be used as a guide for cannabinoid cycle. We have the anecdotal accounts from cannabis users who have managed to avoid developing THC tolerance. A single guide would not work because everyone reacts differently to cannabinoids.

However, it is possible to CBD products  at the firsthand experiences of others and take that as a starting point. Many people with cancer do cannabinoid cycle every 90 days. They can then benefit from the mind-altering and therapeutic effects of cannabinoids, without having to take a long tolerance break.

Some people choose to switch from THC-dominant products every week to CBD-dominant ones. You can switch between products that contain different amounts of CBD, THC, or terpenes.



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